A CRUD interface to manage service consumers use the Postman collection to see all the details with the example responses, use your valid generated token in the header as the authorization bearer token.
Once a consumer has been setup use the Instant Recommendation feature to get a recommendation on whether a consumer should watch a piece of content.
{info} The url for managing consumers is:
Get the paginated list of all of your consumers that use your service.
Method | URI | Headers |
GET | /consumer |
Authorization: Bearer {token} |
{success} Success Response
Code 200
"current_page": 1,
"data": [
"reference": "ClrbDokZ",
"nudity": 5,
"violence": 10,
"language": 10,
"hide_nudity": false,
"hide_violence": true,
"hide_language": false,
"hide_sexual_assault": true,
"hide_abuse": false,
"hide_substance_abuse": true,
"hide_drugs": false,
"hide_racism": true
"reference": "hUgmGz6w",
"nudity": 1,
"violence": 8,
"language": 1,
"nudity": 5,
"hide_nudity": true,
"hide_violence": true,
"hide_language": false,
"hide_sexual_assault": true,
"hide_abuse": false,
"hide_substance_abuse": true,
"hide_drugs": false,
"hide_racism": true
"first_page_url": "https://app.safestream.info/api/v1/consumer?page=1",
"from": 1,
"last_page": 472,
"last_page_url": "https://app.safestream.info/api/v1/consumer?page=472",
"next_page_url": "https://app.safestream.info/api/v1/consumer?page=2",
"path": "https://app.safestream.info/api/v1/consumer",
"per_page": 15,
"prev_page_url": null,
"to": 15,
"total": 7068
Create a new consumer with a unique reference, the reference should be non-identifiable and would be recommended to be a UUID that refers your user.
Method | URI | Headers |
POST | /consumer |
Authorization: Bearer {token} |
"reference" : "required|string"
{success} Success Response
Code 200
"data": {
"reference": "ClrbDokZ"
{danger} Error Response duplicate reference used
Code 422
Reason Unprocessable Entity
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"reference": [
"This combination of reference, user id already exists."
Get the content preferences of a single consumer
Method | URI | Headers |
GET | /consumer/{reference} |
Authorization: Bearer {token} |
{success} Success Response
Code 200
"data": {
"reference": "gIou2TWa",
"nudity": 7,
"violence": 8,
"language": 1
Update a single consumers content preferences with a integer between 0 and 10 for nudity, violence and language. You can update individual preferences for a given consumers individual sensitivities which is backed by our powerful tagging system.
Method | URI | Headers |
PUT | /consumer/{reference} |
Authorization: Bearer {token} |
"nudity" : "integer|min:1|max:10|nullable",
"violence" : "integer|min:1|max:10|nullable",
"language" : "integer|min:1|max:10|nullable",
"hide_nudity" : "boolean",
"hide_violence" : "boolean",
"hide_language" : "boolean",
"hide_sexual_assault" : "boolean",
"hide_abuse" : "boolean",
"hide_substance_abuse" : "boolean",
"hide_drugs" : "boolean",
"hide_racism" : "boolean"
{danger} Error Response incorrect validation
Code 422
Reason Unprocessable Entity
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"nudity": [
"The nudity must be an integer."
{success} Success Response
Code 200
"data": {
"reference": "gIou2TWa",
"nudity": 7,
"violence": 8,
"language": 1,
"hide_nudity": false,
"hide_violence": true,
"hide_language": false,
"hide_sexual_assault": true,
"hide_abuse": false,
"hide_substance_abuse": true,
"hide_drugs": false,
"hide_racism": true
Delete a consumer and their preference from a service
Method | URI | Headers |
DELETE | /consumer/{reference} |
Authorization: Bearer {token} |
{danger} Error Response user not found
Code 404
Reason Not Found
{success} Success Response
Code 200